11 February 2011

Building a Culture of Lie

Are the actions of LiveAction's Lila Rose justified?  Read this exposition of why the ends never justify the means:

Building a Culture of Lie

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!


10 February 2011

Lying for a good cause?

CatholicVote.org recently welcomed Dr. Pia di Solenni to their blog:

"An ethicist and cultural analyst, Pia is an expert in issues relating to women’s health, life issues, the new feminism, Catholicism, and culture. Her work has appeared in various publications including The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Washington Post, National Catholic Reporter, Our Sunday Visitor, and National Review Online. She also has considerable experience on radio and TV, having appeared on MSNBC, “Hardball with Chris Matthews,” “The O’Reilly Factor,” CNN, ABCNews, among others.

Dr. de Solenni received her doctorate in sacred theology summa cum laude from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome. Her dissertation was published in the university series Dissertationes. On November 8, 2001, she received the 2001 Award of the Pontifical Academies for her doctoral work. The award was presented by Pope John Paul II."

Her first post is a great article for contemplation.  Click here to read: Lying for a good cause?


03 February 2011

Parting Thoughts

In a vague way I am traveling through your eyes to a place I have already been. However, throughout that journey we are both looking beyond the horizon. I'll imagine a hill or valley when seeking the summit, yet my descriptions of such imaginings are only guesses. Navigational beacon or not, it is a journey to be discovered. Most important is the unknown. There is no fear that causes me to cease my forward stride. In safety I depend of my Savior's strength. "Nowhere to rest!" some might say without realizing the abundant blanket the covers the night skies: Whether opaque blue and absence of starlight, or brilliant aqua with countless painted stars, illuminating Earth's shadowy graves.

Yes, here we travel, each guiding the other's path...in our respective faiths hoping to stay true to course. My journey means for me a new insight into the unknown, yet accepted, even as new claims arise from the air that separates that abundant blanket from the darkened Earth, the crust of which provides clay that fashions us.

I am not afraid nor concerned excessively about things I have no control over. My hope is to give in charity and seek His blessings in all that I do in His name. (I am not without Sin, I am aware of His grace of forgiveness, any other worry or concern is not necessary beyond His mercy).

So, in your daily reflections, know that each prayer or mediation that stands within us does have wings and fuel to make the journey beyond our guided path and on our behalf to the One who hears, sees, and judges; with His hand of mercy extended, as our salvation is in His hands, saves all who profess that Jesus is Lord.

Thadd Sanders

02 February 2011

"...so the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." (Week Five)

"And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem."
Luke 2:38

Please choose and respond to one of the following questions in your final paper:

I. Having read John Paul II's 1988 World Day of Peace Message (or click here) and in light of what you have learned the past five weeks, how would you respond to this event at the US Air Force Academy (click here and here)?

II. One of the documents of Vatican II states that “a man is more precious for what he is rather than for what he has” (GS 35). Using what you have learned in the past five weeks, please explain how this sentence defines the Christian vocation and moral life in Christ.

Please email your essay to Christina as an .doc(x) or .pdf attachment by FRIDAY, 11 FEBRUARY at 11:00pm.

The final essay is the occasion to demonstrate what you have learned in this session (e.g. law, conscience, freedom, virtue, etc.), but you are not required to discuss *every* theme at length.  Please remember that your essays do not require secondary research (beyond course texts, unless recommended by the instructor). However, typical stylistic conventions such as grammar, spelling, and usage are still and always important! Citing from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Veritatis Splendor, and/or other relevant documents is expected, but lengthy quotes (more than two lines) within the body of the text are discouraged.

Essays should be four (4) pages. This means completely developed paragraphs, cohesively organized around a solid, arguable thesis statement. Each essay should be double-spaced, using Times New Roman font at 12pt with standard margins (1” top-bottom, 1.25” right-left). No cover page is needed, but your name and the date should appear at the top of the first page.


01 February 2011

Archbshp Burke: "Catholic Orthodoxy: Antidote against the Culture of Death"

Click below for Archbishop Raymond Burke's address:

Via Paolo VI, 25, 00193 ROMA October 9, 2010